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  • [Registrant] : 八街市役所
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 八街市
  • Posted : 2024/11/20
  • Published : 2024/11/20
  • Changed :2024/11/20
  • Total View : 44 persons

Request for Tax Payment

The Tax Payment Section of the City Hall informs you that

December 2 ( Monday ) is the deadline for payment of National Health Insurance Tax. Please pay by the due date.

Please use convenient and secure account transfer for payment of municipal tax. You can register for account transfer at the City Hall counter using your cash card. You can also apply for account transfer using the postcard enclosed with your tax notice or the application form available at financial institutions in the city.

The office will be open on Sundays this month: November 24 ( and Sunday ). Also, the evening counter is open every Tuesday ( weekdays only ) until 8 pm. The Tax Payment Section offers free consultation with a lawyer (appointment required) to those who are unable to pay their taxes due to multiple debts such as loans.

*Please note that this e-mail is sent simultaneously to those who have already paid their taxes and registered their account transfer.

Yachimachi City Tax Payment Division
TEL : 043-443-1115 ( Open only on weekdays and Sunday )


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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