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  • [Registrant] : 八街市役所
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 八街市
  • Posted : 2025/02/07
  • Published : 2025/02/07
  • Changed :2025/02/07
  • Total View : 8 persons

Please be aware of suspicious phone calls claiming to be from city hall employees.

A tipster reported receiving a suspicious phone call from someone claiming to be a "city hall employee" and offering a fictitious story. There is a possibility of refund fraud.
《To avoid becoming a victim》
・ If you receive a call from someone claiming to be a city hall employee and you have no idea what the caller is talking about, and the caller seems suspicious, confirm the department, name, and phone number of the caller, then hang up and call city hall. City Hall 043-443-1111 ( Substitute )
・ Do not give out personal information easily.
( Date of birth, account number, PIN, etc. )

If you feel suspicious, consult the Yachimata City Consumer Affairs Center or the police.
Yachimachi City Consumer Affairs Center TEL043-443-9299

Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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